Origin, history and evolution of Flamenco

Flamenco is an artistic expression that results from the fusion of singing, dance and musical accompaniment. It is characterized by the perfect harmony that exists between these three elements.

But where does this art come from?

In this post we tell you the origin, history and evolution of Flamenco.

Origin and history of flamenco

The origin of this art could be considered a mystery since it is really not very clear. There are several theories, one of them indicates that the mixing of cultures that coexisted in Spain from the 16th to the 18th centuries, such as the Arab, Jewish, Christian and Gypsy cultures from India, led to the creation of this genre.

There is another theory that indicates that the word flamenco comes from the Andalusian term “Fellah min gueir ard”, an expression whose meaning could be translated as “landless peasant.” But, in reality, the most widespread dates its origin to the end of the 18th century in the cities and fields of lower Andalusia. The first written traces that we find of this art are in Jerez de la Frontera, but not specifically in the 18th century.

Although originally flamenco was only singing, as time went by, dance and music were introduced, mainly the guitar. All of these elements are influenced by traditional dances, songs and sounds from different geographical areas of Spain, and as we have mentioned before, from the cultures that coexisted in our country.

It was not until after the Spanish War of Independence when flamenco began to stand out and innovate, thanks to the fascination that existed at the time with everything Andalusian, banditry and the appearance of bullfighting schools in Seville and Ronda. This is why it begins to be seen as an ideal of traditionalism and is no longer attributed only to gypsies.

Evolution of flamenco

The growth of flamenco as an art at the beginning of the 19th century allowed it to cross borders beyond Andalusia and begin to reach more and more cities in Spain, even to the court.

It was at this time that the first singing cafés began to emerge, nightclubs where the public could drink while enjoying a flamenco show. A tradition that is still alive today, dating back to 1880, where the figure of the professional cataor emerged and where flamenco finished its structure.

From then on is when flamenco stops being only part of the gypsy people and begins to reach the rest of the population. In the singing cafés, the non-gypsy people begin to learn their song, while the gypsies reinterpret traditional Andalusian songs.

During the decades from 1920 to 1950, Flamenco Opera emerged, bringing singing and dancing to theaters and bullrings. This fact allowed flamenco to spread not only in Spain, but in cities around the world. Here the fandango takes on special importance since what was sought was to please the public.

Also in the 1950s, Flamencology emerged in Jerez de la Frontera, the oldest institution dedicated to this art whose mission is to study, research, defend, promote and conserve this intangible cultural asset of humanity.

Origen historia y evolución del flamenco

If you want to discover this universal art, the perfect place to see a flamenco show is in a tablao. This is where magic and goblin are created, where artists express themselves and where the public can fully immerse themselves in this art.

Book your tickets and enjoy the incredible Flamenco show at the Palace!